Latest blog posts
In my blog there will gradually emerge a colorful collection of different contributions: videos, music, poems, media contributions with me as well as guest posts. I hope you enjoy reading, listening, watching and feeling!

Poem "Blooming Way"
Being in this world which is so different from the world I dream of. Not to sink into desperation, but to take up the courage, to keep on going together with others - this is what my new poem is about.

Poem "Great loving Heart"
This poem I wrote already in 2018 and it fell into my hands today. It fits so well into these times, where we are challenged over and over again to let go of the old and open our heart wider and wider.

Poem "Butterfly Heart - the New World's Sound"
The new year has begun - new possibilities and paths are opening up. With this poem I invite you to welcome the new world inside of you, feel the seeds in your heart that want bloom in this year. May the new year bring you and all of us many blessings, joy and togetherness!

Song Precious Child (Karen Taylor-Good)
A song which has touched me so deeply from the very first time I have heard it until now is "Precious Child" by Karen Taylor-Good. She sung it for her nephew who passed away early and it is sung with so much heart and truthfulness that it makes me shed a tear every time I listen to it.
You can listen to it on YouTube here. I highly recommend you save your listening experience for a moment when you have some quiet time for yourself and give space for what might come up while listening.

Song Journey to Purity
I wrote the poem "Journey to purity" (in its German original "Seelenreise") shortly after I had to let go of my first daughter - the words came through me. Later it became a song - in this blog post I invite you to listen to it and watch the video with sculptures from the book.
So far my newsletter is written in German only. Please subscribe - later I may issue it in English as well once there are more subscribers.