In my groups, mourners find a trusting and mindful space to connect with their own feelings, their love for the deceased person and also with each other.
Bereavement group - a place for my grief
In the intensive time of mourning, you will find in my groups a safe space in which you can be with all your feelings. The mindful encounter with others, shared songs and rituals, poems and texts, body and breathing exercises support you in step by step finding a new balance and be compassionate with yourself. Thus you gather strength to carry on on your very own path through everyday life and also in dealing with the people around you - with your loved one always in your heart.
At the moments, my groups are only in German, for more information on these, click here. If you are interested in an English-speaking online group, please contact me! Once enough people for a group have gathered, I will be happy to organise it.

In our hearts you are forever,
we love you, miss you,
forget you never.
We know you're safe
wherever you are.
And we sing our heartfelt song for you
that reaches up to your star.