Song Journey to Purity
by Inga Ohlsen
I wrote the poem "Journey to purity" (in its German original "Seelenreise") shortly after I had to let go of my first daughter - the words came through me.
In 2022 with the launch of my website in English, I was inspired to translate the poem. I am very happy and grateful that rhyme and rhythm meet so well and that it contains the same images and meaning. For me, the English version is now even deeper and richer, which has of course to do with my own process of personal growth which makes me understand better what I really wrote about more than ten years ago. Also, I have deepened my knowledge about life and love thanks to the work of Dr. Jacqueline Hobbs - Oracle Girl. The use of the expression "Flame of light" is inspired by her - if you would like to know more about its deep and beautiful meaning and nature, I invite you to have a look on the text and listen to the track "Self healing & the flame of light".
Shortly after I wrote the German poem, it became a song - I invite you to listen to it and watch the video with sculptures from the book.
My dear friend Susanne Dowall has composed the beautiful melody and accompaniment, she plays the guitar and sings. On the piano my husband Jörg, on the violin Cornelia Trantow and I sing the first voice. We recorded the song in the recording studio of film composer Andreas Koslik in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The video was made by Caroline Oblasser from edition riedenburg.
Note: On some mobile devices the video does not play properly - in that case you can click here to watch the video on YouTube.
Below you will also find an instrumental version of the song, in which you can hear the violin part especially beautifully.
Welch wundersame Wege gehst du,
von mir selbst gewähltes Leben,
welch unergründlich Kreise drehst du,
in die ich mich hineinbegeben.
Ich lasse mich flussabwärts treiben,
hinab zum Ozean, zum Meer.
An keinem Orte kann ich bleiben,
das Abschiednehmen fällt oft schwer.
Mal plätschern Wellen friedlich leise,
mal schüttelt mich des Stromes Kraft.
All dies gehört zu meiner Reise,
die neue Einsicht in mir schafft.
Und jede Biegung, jede Schnelle,
führt mich näher zu mir hin.
Sie bringt zum Ursprung mich, zur Quelle,
zur tiefsten Sehnsucht nach dem Sinn.
Die Liebe ist mein Ruderboot,
sie ist mein treuer Wegbegleiter.
Im Glück und in der tiefsten Not
trägt sie mich unbeirrbar weiter.
Ich gebe mich in ihre Stärke,
den sich’ren Schutz der sanften Macht,
vertrau‘ auf ihre Wunderwerke,
Geschenke, die sie mir gebracht.
Wenn ich im Dunkeln schier verzage,
dann zeigt sie mir mein Seelenlicht,
welches ich immer in mir trage,
das mir und dir von Hoffnung spricht.
So reise ich, um zu verstehen,
geheimnisvolles Lebensband,
um tiefer in den Tanz zu gehen,
das Spiel in uns’res Schöpfers Hand.
Journey to Purity
What wondrous ways, my life, you go
down the river, endlessly,
in spinning spirals runs your flow,
back to the ocean, down to sea.
So many things I've come across,
but nowhere can I ever stay,
lived times of joy and times of loss,
tears of departure mark the way.
Some days soft ripples roll on quiet shore,
then a storm stirs up tremendous tide,
shaking me, opening me like never before,
from my emotions I can't hide.
And life's current keeps on turning,
brings me home to heart and source,
while deep inside I feel that burning,
my ardent longing grows in force.
Pure love, you are my rowing boat,
you're my companion, true and one.
In sorrow, bliss alike - you float,
carrying me on and on and on.
Into your power I surrender,
being still in humility,
into your beauty, sweet and tender,
sharing the gifts you're giving me.
In deepest darkness, you guide me through,
flaring up my flame of light,
bringing hope for me and you,
my strength in which I will confide.
Diving deeper into life's dance -
my body feels, I trust and see:
I'm safe and sound in healing hands
on my journey to purity,
becoming this purity,
being purity.